
Life Event

Linda has helped me with a life event in a big way. Without her I would have had a hard time getting through this; she walked me through it all. She's truly a great person. I am glad to have her on my side.

Robert M. Rusch North Versailles, PA


I have been in law enforcement for over 40 years, over this period I have become a good judge of people. After retiring from a municipal police department, I took a job with Trinity School District in Washington, Pennsylvania as the school district police officer, part of the job was truant and residency checks. In May 2014, I was checking on a student and met Linda Ewing, we began to talk about the pressure on todays children relating to social media and students being bullied. At first I thought she was just another tree hugger, then she gave me her book "Voice of CHOICE - Subdue The Bully" to read. I am not much of a reader, but as I started the book I could not put it down. Linda opens up about her life and you can read her passion. She has been through abuse and has been subject of a bully first hand and understands how these relationships evolve. The more I have gotten to know Linda, the more I respect her and her passion on this subject. I wish her nothing but the best and I truly believe she can make a difference.

Rich Horner Trinity School District Police - Washington, PA

Life Changing

As I have known Linda (Olivia) for a little over 6 years now, I cannot express what a life changing soul she truly is.  Becoming close with Linda (Olivia) as she was in the process of writing her book over 6 years ago, I knew that she was an angel on Earth brought into my life.   She was so kindhearted, energetic, thoughtful, helpful, driven, and selfless.  She listened to my catastrophes of life stories and always had some sort of positive wisdom to encourage me with, forward.  When visiting Linda’s house and sharing stories for hours at a time, she taught me about narcissism, abuse, and pain of all sorts. She also taught me ways to be happy, just stemming from everyday life.  Her laugh was contagious and it was self-made by being bubbly and creating her own, happy life. With not much to give, Linda was always thinking of others, and giving in times of need off of her own back.  Now, after her book is published, she still remains that same beautiful person and an individual who views each day as a canvas for helping troubled people during their times of pain and distress.  Linda has impacted my life by not only encouraging me to be as kindhearted as her, but to show me that it is acceptable to have a painful past and learn from it, understand it, and move forward into a better place. She showed me a new tunnel of life, that helping others persevere is what we were brought here to do.  Linda (Olivia) has come so far from where she started out and I am so proud to call her a close friend!

Christina Tarbuck Former Trinity Middle School Teacher - Washington, PA Waynesburg High School Teacher - Waynesburg, PA

Emptiness to Fullness

In late 2008, my wife received a report from the doctor stating that she had leukemia, this was a total shock, and we all knew how this would end. I nursed my wife for 8 months till she finally died at home, which is what she wanted.  In those months we spoke a lot and she arranged here own funeral, she was so strong. She was 16 years older than I, and had 2 children, a son and a daughter, also she had 3 grandchildren, a grandson and 2 granddaughters (twins).

After her funeral, we all started the grieving process of our loss.  I helped her children and grandchildren, but I forgot myself and found myself not wanting to live anymore.  The only thing I did was help others, work and go home… but it wasn't home anymore, only emptiness… this was no life. Loneliness is not what people want... They want to live a life.

I spoke with my twin brother about it, he couldn’t help me either, but he had a girlfriend in the USA and her best friend could help me get through this bad time I was dealing with, so my brother's girlfriend gave me Linda's e-mail address.

It took me several weeks to contact her... Why should I talk with a total stranger about my problems... I’m glad I did.

From day one Linda was like someone I know almost my whole life, it was nice talking with here, first by E-mail later on the phone. She lost her husband when she was young and knew what I was going through. That makes it a lot easier to talk, she knew what I was feeling and why I was asking why?  She felt my pain and had the answers to help heal it.  She is the reason that I picked up my life and started to enjoy it.  Not always, the pain never goes away, but now I know how to handle it.

I thank God that she came into my life.  One day we shall meet in person because we have a friendship that will last a lifetime and we will always be there for each other when there is a need.  Linda is such a wonderful woman, a Princess, she is always willing to help others who need to be helped. 

Huib Deben Netherlands, Europe

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