In late 2008, my wife received a report from the doctor stating that she had leukemia, this was a total shock, and we all knew how this would end. I nursed my wife for 8 months till she finally died at home, which is what she wanted. In those months we spoke a lot and she arranged here own funeral, she was so strong. She was 16 years older than I, and had 2 children, a son and a daughter, also she had 3 grandchildren, a grandson and 2 granddaughters (twins).
After her funeral, we all started the grieving process of our loss. I helped her children and grandchildren, but I forgot myself and found myself not wanting to live anymore. The only thing I did was help others, work and go home… but it wasn’t home anymore, only emptiness… this was no life. Loneliness is not what people want… They want to live a life.
I spoke with my twin brother about it, he couldn’t help me either, but he had a girlfriend in the USA and her best friend could help me get through this bad time I was dealing with, so my brother’s girlfriend gave me Linda’s e-mail address.
It took me several weeks to contact her… Why should I talk with a total stranger about my problems… I’m glad I did.
From day one Linda was like someone I know almost my whole life, it was nice talking with here, first by E-mail later on the phone. She lost her husband when she was young and knew what I was going through. That makes it a lot easier to talk, she knew what I was feeling and why I was asking why? She felt my pain and had the answers to help heal it. She is the reason that I picked up my life and started to enjoy it. Not always, the pain never goes away, but now I know how to handle it.
I thank God that she came into my life. One day we shall meet in person because we have a friendship that will last a lifetime and we will always be there for each other when there is a need. Linda is such a wonderful woman, a Princess, she is always willing to help others who need to be helped.
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